McKenzie retrieving her bird

Paul and Patrick having a “man to man talk”

Michelle with Patrick and McKenzie having earned their WD

Teddy Junior Hunter

Livvy retrieving her bird

Dawn with Kyle and Logan earning their WD

Trick dives into the water for his bird

Livvy earning her Junior Hunter with Paul

Paul and Michelle both had a hand in Patrick’s fieldwork

Patrick flushing a bird

Jayden retrieving her bird

Jack and Cooper

Logan waiting his turn in the field

Logan quartering

John Henry and Kia

McKenzie retrieving her bird from the water
![amyhunt scene 2[2]](https://carefreeecs.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/amyhunt-scene-22.jpg)
Kailey’s puppies–future hunters

Kyle bringing Dawn his bird

Teddy’s water retrieve

Trick retrieving his bird

Kyle earning his JH with Dawn

Patrick water retrieve

Tucker earning his WD

Kailey–the Breed’s 1st female Champion Master Hunter